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Hi there,


I want to give a specific style to a row, I have a list that has column called "status".

if the status is "Rejected" I want the colour of the row Red, I tried to set conditional style, I just have two options:


1- Change  text colour 

2- Change  text background colour

Any Idea? 

Hi Steve,


Please add a screenshot of what it is you are trying to accomplish to this post.

Please note that there is a third option in both the conditional styiling and the normal styling residing in the border tab.


Have you considered implementing a row into your list ivew which can display an indicator if the status is "Rejected" or "Approved"?

Please see this link regarding this suggestion.


Kind Regards,


I have just added this item as a feature request.


Having the ability to access the element styling for the underlying table of a view list would be very powerful. This feature would not only help the current use case of Active/Inactive or Is-Deleted use-case but many other cases as well.


The ability to alter the font-colour or background colour for an entire row is also more performant than putting a tick/cross image in an explicit status column or using conditional styling against each column to test update the font/background colour. It may also allow you to do away with the explicit status column giving more screen space to play with.





