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We are working with multiple features on K2 Worklist: Out of office, Redirect and Release and have trouble to assign user to these features.
When searching for user, we understand that the system displays user email as a search result.
We also found some results display as blank space.

This is difficult for end-user to identify correct person. So user has requested to display as a full name.
(We have another table which contains full user information)

1. which column does K2 used to display as a search result?
2. How can we configure search result to display as full name or other specific columns?

- We used SQLUM with 1 AD user as K2 Service.
- K2 smartforms 4.6.10 (4.12165.1700.2)
- The system can return search result as user name on the K2 Workspace which is different on Redirect screen.



In the K2 workspace, when performing a search for users, K2 workspace will always return the user's name. That applies for both AD and SQLUM users.

However, in the Worklist Control, no name is being displayed for SQLUM users. Instead, only the email is being displayed. Investigation using the browser's developer tool revealed that the Worklist Control relies on a field called 'DisplayName' from the returned results to display the user's name. But for SQLUM users, the results returned to the control does not have the 'DisplayName' field set.


Issue has been logged as a bug. The reason for this bug is that the K2 SQL UM Provider does not understand what a displayname is, which is what the K2 Control Pack - Worklist Control is Using when displaying the search results.

The SQLUM security provider updates are being planned to be implemented in version 4.7.

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