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Hi all! I have one question.

I start process from C# code and i don't know this process complete or not or maybe i have a process error ... Maybe i can check this from my c# code?

Yes u can check the process status programmatically. U can find the process status details in '_ProcInst' table resides in 'K2ServerLog -> Tables' in SQL Server and the keys for status can be found in '_Status' table in 'K2ServerLog' database.

Reply me for more help.

I would not recommend executing a query directly against the log database in this case.

If the process is entirely designed to be started async, i.e. without anything to hold it up such as client events, start rules, preceeding rules etc. then you could start the process using the async parameter the then the start process method call will not return until the process is complete, if it encounters and error it will thorw and exception.

If your process does contain items that will halt the execution then you should use the management api (you can find code examples in the K2 book)
