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K2 does not expect data in the K2 Transaction database to be modified without going through the API so a caching mechanism would not know that it needs to refresh.

Direct Transaction Database interaction is discouraged and unsupported.

Is there a reason that you are not using the API to make these changes?

Dear all,

I am trying to delete and modify the XML data directly for one of the process instance.

I have modified the Value field of the particular ProcInstID in the following 2 tables _ProcInstXml and _ProcInstXmlAudit. But when I reload the process, the changes do not seem to take effect.

Just wondering whether there is any cache mechanism in the K2 server?

Thanks a lot in advance.

One of the our workflow system is in production and we need to do a one off data fix inside a stuck process instance in order to make it flow.

Any help will be appreciated.
Does anyone have any idea of how to do that?

Thanks in advance.
Get the ProcInstID from the K2 Error Profile then run this with someone who has admin ID. I only tested this against an errored out item and it seems to run fine. After update the data restart the item. Let me know if it works!

Private Sub K2ROM_AdminUpdateProcessInstance(ByVal ProcInstID As Integer)
'Needs Admin rights

Dim oK2Connection As New SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection
Dim oProcInst As SourceCode.K2ROM.ProcessInstance
Dim sFormData As String

oK2Connection.Open("server name here")
oProcInst = oK2Connection.OpenProcessInstance(ProcInstID)

oProcInst.DataFields.Item("Approvals").Value = "My New Value"
sFormData = oProcInst.XmlFields.Item("FormData").Value

sFormData = SourceCode.K2Utilities.XMLFieldMod.SetXMLValue(sFormData, "WorkItemData/Approver", "new value")
oProcInst.XmlFields.Item("FormData").Value = sFormData

oProcInst.Update() 'Requires Process Admin rights

End Sub
