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I've added a role to a process using the managment console... but I used a wrong role 😥 and now I want to delete this one but I can't find any delete button?

How can I do this?

Thanks for your reply... but nope.

We can right click on the role name in the managment tree on the role part... but actually I need the same under "Workflow Server>>Processes>>MYPROJECT>>MYPROCESS>>roles".

If I try your solution, to clean up my server and after recreate a new role for example... I've the following error message "Role has dependancies. Cannot delete." So, while my role is referenced directly under "MYPROCESS", I can't delete it... but I've no way to unreference it. 😥

Any idea?

I'd like to remove a role from a process too... Is there a way to do so, now, except editing the database?

There is a great article on the accessing roles programmatically using the UserRoleManager over at Pitchblack

You should be able to delete a role using the following code. 

using SourceCode.Security.UserRoleManager.Management;
using SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI;


string K2HostServer = "BLACKPEARL";

userRoleManager = new UserRoleManager();
userRoleManager.Connection.Open(string.Format("Integrated=True;IsPrimaryLogin=True;Authenticate=True;EncryptedPassword=False;Host={0};Port=5555", K2HostServer));

Role role = userRoleManager.GetRole("ROLENAME");
userRoleManager.DeleteRole(role.Guid, role.Name);

You will need to add reference SourceCode.Security.UserRoleManager.Management.dll and SourceCode.HostClientAPI.dll.

Is it really necessary to write own code to delete a role form a process? I have the same problem - and I am really wondering about the K2 ManagerConsole, that it is not possible to delete a role from a process.
