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I have a blackpoint process that has an activity where a committee of users would vote on a document approval. I would like to have the activity completed on the following criteria:

Approve activity if a minimum of 3 approvals and only after 48hrs have passed to give the users  time to respond.

Decline the activity if one destination user declines.

I'm not sure how to delay the activity so it doesn't evaluate the outcomes until 48hrs have passed. Any help with this issue would be appreciated.


You would be able to do this using the Expire Activity Escalation, setting it to Expire after 48 hours.

Set your Approved outcome to evaluate the ActivityInstanceDestination.Status field to check whether it has expired.

Your rule will probably look like this:

At least 3 of ActionResult = Approve


At least 1 of ActInstDestStatus = Expired

When the activity expires the status of the instance is set to Expired, but all the rules are evaluated so it should achieve the desired result.

I hope this helps!

Thank you JohanL. Trying your suggestion right now. Will write back with results.
