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How to debug or trace SmartActions


What are the best tools to monitor Smart Actions Activity.



To monitor this would be to look at the following:

Having a look at the MSMQ: take a look at the queues in question (eventbus, eventbuserror) see if there are any emails stuck here, normally a K2 service restart should pushed the messages through (If stuck)
- Activating full host server logging: This can be done by going to the HostServer.Logging.config file located within the following directory – ProgramFiles (x86) >>> K2 Blackpearl >>> Host Server >>> Bin and under the application log level settings you can see all the extentions, please do set this to “ALL” at the end and then restart the service to allow the changes to take effect.
- You can have a look at the event logs as well to see if you notice any additional errors within here too.

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