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Assume you need to customize default BlockedBrowser.aspx page so that page is displayed in another language. You trying to accomplish this by replacing page name in K2 smartforms web.config file but your changes are visible only on K2 server, whereas clients keep seeing default page (even after local cache was cleared).



The easiest method to achieve this is to make copies of the English resource files here:

%INSTALL DIR%K2 smartforms RuntimeApp_LocalResourcesBlockedBrowser.aspx.resx
%INSTALL DIR%K2 smartforms DesignerApp_LocalResourcesBlockedBrowser.aspx.resx

And paste and rename them in a sub-folder for the language(s) you need. E.g. "ru" for Russian or "af" for Afrikaans. Below is an example for Russian:

%INSTALL DIR%K2 smartforms RuntimeApp_LocalResources
%INSTALL DIR%K2 smartforms DesignerApp_LocalResources

Edit the English strings in the .resx.

Clear your cache, restart IIS and set your browser’s language accordingly.


Correct/supported method of creating localized version of BlockedBrowser.aspx described above.

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