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How to customize K2 workflow recipients email based on a multi-value choice column


We have created a SharePoint 2013 K2 site in our staging environment - in this list, I have a multi-value choice column, and I would like to set recipient's email based on the selection - i.e. if checkbox "London" is selected, include London Office reception, etc. I'm fairly new to K2, so I would appreciate some assistance / suggestion.


In the workflow we created data fields that stored the email addresses with a semicolon at the end of the email address. Based on a certain set of criteria based on cities selected in the SharePoint list null data fields were populated with the applicable email addresses which were then passed to a 'master' data field. These activities are fired off asynchronously otherwise you will get multiple emails. The 'master' data field was then mapped to the recipients of the email event which in which an inline function was used to separate the email addresses by a semicolon. The workflow then fired off as it should.

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