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Hi All,

  i would like to know how to create the file upload process in the K2.NET 2003.Let me know to how to design.pls help me how to design in smartforms and how to set properties and how to send the attachments to particular desitnation.

Are you trying to get these attachments into SharePoint? 

If so, then check out the K2 SmartForms K2DocAttachment control. 

If not, I'm not sure that there is a K2SmartForm control that will handle this.  The below link has an example of how to upload a file via ASP.NET and store it in a binary process data field:


i am not using any sharepoint services,i design the smartform and create the process.this is successfully done.but i would like to add file upload option.

can i do like this <input type=file runat="server">,but this is not effect to the K2 process.

pls give me the solution.


Unfortunately I am not sure if this is possible with SmartForms.  It is certainly possible using K2ROM, which the above provided link ( shows.
