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Version  I have been unable to find any documentation or reference on creating a Site Workflow from a Reusable Workflow Template.  When I click "Create New Site Workflow" I do not see an option anywhere in the GUI for choosing a Template as the basis for the new workflow.  I published the Resuable Template at the root of the Site Collection.  I tried Export/Import but that failed on Import because it correctly said it wasn't a Site Template.  I know it's probably user error but I would appreciate your help.  Thanks.

Thank you for your response.  My template is associated with a content type, and your answer led me to look in "Library/Workflow Settings" where I found "Create a Workfow in Nintex Workflow".  Unfortunately when I choose that option, I get a dialog titled "Select a Workflow Template" with the "Sorry, something went wrong" error.  I Looks like the snippet workaround may be a better option. 

I am trying this again but when I try to save the snippet I get NintexError.jpg

Please advise.  Thanks.
