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I wonder how can a Folio in the form be built based in a Formula for example if today date is:


11-06-15 13:27:05 ... Instead of use the now() function how can have some expression to genereate:


Project Name: ABC

TIMESTAMP: 110615132705


Expected Folio for each form: "Project Name" + "TIMESTAMP"


So If I complete the form right now will assign the current folio based in the time stamp preceding by the Project Name which is static.


Folio: ABC110615132705


I wonder if is regular expressions or just some formating on the Date Fields... 


THX Dino.

I kind of figure it out with Expression... setup a Expression Header liks MyFolioABC...


Then use the concatenate function to generate... not sure if this is the best way but seem to work for Year+Month+Day... not sure abut Min+Sec... but its a start...




Why not use Format Date function with Concatenate?


Concatenate ("ABC", Format Date and Time (Current Date, "yyyyMMdd")).


More details on Format Date and Time:

You are correct Victoria this is the way to do it....




It worked great !!!


This video is awesome !!!


