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In preparation for going to 365 from on premises, I'd like to get a count of all workflow action types, so that I know how many updates/replacements need to take place. Is there a way to do this?

With workflow action types, do you mean different types of workflow actions? Do you know the know your workflow script?

Know Your Workflow 

You can run it via PowerShell on your SharePoint server. It will create an Excel Report that might include the information you're searching for:


You'll need some Excel magic to get the report you want but the report should contain all data you need.

Kind regards,


Thanks, we'll have a look at 'know your workflow'. Seems like it might provide the number of 'Action Set' actions in each workflow that I will have to unpack prior to moving to 365. Hopefully also UDAs. Not to mention all the other workflow actions that are not available in 365. 
