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We have a list box that is bounded to a SMO. This list box is working as expected until the SMO does not return any value. When the SMO does not return any value, the expectation is that the list box will be empty, however it keeps the last known value. ie. it never gets cleared when there are no value in SMO.




This appears to be a bug.





We have logged a bug for this control , not being able to clear it . Right now the only option is to use a different control . Or maybe try and clear it using JS (untested)




Has anybody found a decent workaround or solution for this problem?


Preferably one that doesn't in JS or using another control :)





I'm facing the same issue. I can't clear the listbox on my own (there is no clear method for the control) and it preserves the current value if I change the parent value to NULL.


I have K2 Designer v4.6.11


Looking forward to a fix.



Please see below possilbe workaround

Create an empy entry
Filter this entry on the Input mappings of the View initialize
Call two rules to populate the controle
1) show blank entry
2) filter on input mapping (if input mapping is empty then the blank entry is shown)


Hope this helps



Has there been any update to this, for 4.6.11?  I see in the 4.7 release notes that this has been fixed, however we cannot upgrade simply to fix this one bug, and we need to use this control.  We cannot use Heinrich's solution as we are populating the List Box control with a SmartObject, not a static list, as this question was originally asking about.

Hi ChrisWillard,

when needing "clear method" on a control i do the following:

1.  Add Transfer Data Action

2. Configure Action : select control and leave empty

3. Save


Control is now showing empty value

Hope this works for you

