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I know that if we got error like 'Error 2001 Starting Host Server: bind() Failed Error code:10048' from k2 console then it may possible that its laready started . It may be started by another user. 

My question is how can i check that before going to console and getting error


I tried with Task Manager on the server , checked Processes , Users tab but not getting any relevant to this 


I want to check if this service is already started and who started it 


Thanks and Regards




To locate the blackpearl service, you will need to go into start> all programs and look for Services. In there you can see if the k2 service is running.


Kind Regards,




If its started by another user it will not show any relevant information to logged in user


As in my case , its showing Status as blank for k2 Blackpearl server service , 




try running this in command prompt:


tasklist -v -fi "ImageName eq K2Hostserver.exe"


It return if the K2 blackpearl host server is running or not and who it is running under.
