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How to browse deployed SmartForms without K2 Designer


In our QA environment, we have SmartForms runtime installed but not K2 Designer. Without the designer, I have difficulty browsing the SmartForms server to see what SmartForms and Views have been deployed there. The easiest way I have found is to open a K2 Process and use the the SmartForms Client Event Wizard to browse the SmartForms server within the Object Explorer. I'm left thinking that there has to be an easier way!


Accessing the forms/views can be done via the back end as well as through the Designer interface. The query below will return all forms and views as well as versions and what the last action that was taken on the form/view (Deployed, Checked Out, Deleted, etc.).

FROM Form.AuditLog

If you are looking for a particular view it can be found via display name in the Form.View, Form.View_Design, Form.Form, and Form.Form_Design tables.

If the form/view is Checked Out it will be in the design table and if they are Checked In they will be in the Form.Form or Form.View table.

We also discussed force checking in forms/views as well as restoring to a previous version. I will paste a few URLs below for your reference. Thanks and have a great day!

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