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Approval activity with 2 slots and requires 2 users (out of many) to approve.

The approval activity wishes to have consult capability, which we normally sends to the Consult activity.   Return from Consult activity re-enters Approval (fine for 1 slot scenerio).


Standard design for more than 1 slot places a Succeeding rule in Approval activity to check for 2 approvals.


Is it possible to branch off 1 slot to another activity then comes back to the same activity?

If the succeeding rule is modified to allow Consult action to branch off, 1st slot will finish the Approval activity - not desired.


Any suggestions to go about this?

Hi Peter,


Very interesting requirement!

It is not possible to leave an activity with a slot still active.

There is a way I can think of doing this, but I'm not sure if this will meet your requirements.


Here is what I think you can do.

Setup an action for "Consult". In your Outcomes, configure an outcome where 1 slot selected the "Consult" option. 

Have this then go to your Consult activity. (It sounds like you already have this figured out).


As I see it there are a couple of "States" which relates to the "Consult" action in this activity:

1) None of the approvers approved yet - 2 Active slots

2) One approver approved, the other slot is active


To handle these scenarios I suggest that you create a process data field which tracks how many slots have approved the activity, or even better saves the approver's name. You can populate this data field by creating a data event under the client event which saves the approvers name. Then you can get fancy with your destination sets by checking this data field. If the data field is populated, and it matches the destination you are trying to assign, then don't assign it to that user. If the data field is blank, assign it as per normal to both approvers. 

By configuring your destination sets you can ensure that an approver who already selected approve before will not get the task again, and that it will only go to the other approver.


I hope this is an option you can use!



