After K2 BlackPear was upgraded to version 4.6 by another administrator, I followed and upgraded K2 BlackPoint from version 4.5 to 4.6. The upgraded went well but after that, when running K2 for SharePoint in Central Admin, I got some errors as below.
Can someone show me the steps to make the change as the error indicated?
In SP Central Admin, when running K2 Designer for SharePoint Configuration I got this.
The logged on user does not have Administrator rights in K2 Server. Please add this user to the Administrators group in K2 server.
how do I add the user to Administrator group in K2 server?
In SharePoint Central Admin, when runing Activate All K2 Features and K2 Configuration Settings or K2 for SharePoint configuration , I got this
"The Value 'General - RuntimeServicesURL' in the K2 settings list item must not be empty, check the K2 install log for errors
How do I resolve this?
Thanks in advance for any solution, advice or comments.