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I want to include a Multiple Documents for Sharepoint to regular ASP.NET page, NOT SmartForm page. I'm using K2ROM.

Wondering what reference I need to add and what object I need to instantiate in order to get this component working.

Can you please elaborate on what you want to achieve? Why are you not using the K2 SharePoint integration when you want to pass in multiple documents?
I actually started process as ShaerPoint integrated process. And then dropped multiple sharepoint document to my first activity.

Then I go to ASP.NET for implementing that page. Questions are:

1. Can I use SmartForm's K2DocAttachment still even my page is in ASP.NET?

2. Can I pre-define what sub folder the document will need to be uploaded, in another word, no treeview, does not give user an option to select sites.

I do not think it would be possible to add a K2DocAttachment control onto a normal ASP.NET page. The inherited code that the K2DocAttachment control relies on would not be available.
Hi there,

I need to know the same here. I have a plan page that I use, that is a ASP.NET aspx page, for several valid reasons, look at my other posts, and only from the second page I start to use Smartforms. I need to enable the user to attach documents on the plan page. Your reply was that you "think" it cannot be done. I need to know for sure before I spend lots of time on this.


A SmartForm is a normal ASPX page that inherits from SourceCode.K2SmartForms.K2SmartForm which in turn inherits from System.Web.UI.Page.

This means that a SmartForm is an ASPX page with added functionality. You can use the normal ASPX controls on these pages as well as the SmartForm controls.

If you want a normal ASPX page to contain a K2DocAttachment control it should be fairly obvious that you require the page to be able to handle this. For this you would require the page to inherit from SourceCode.K2SmartForms.K2SmartForm which turns the page into a Smartform.

So in short the answer is no, you cannot add a SmartForm component to a normal ASPX page.

I hope this helps.
