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Users want wiki pages and documents to be reviewed by content authors based on modified date and usage.

Similar to document review workflow but based on hits.

Good day Mahendra,

It sounds like you are asking for a page with hit results on that designer can click on certain pages to review the content. If this is the case you can add the SharePoint (2010) Web Analytics Webpart  which will sort the usage by amount of hits per page.  You can also add the Search statistics webpart to your page to react to search results.

Can you please ellaborate on the requirement if this is not what was meant?


  the Question is related to document/ wiki page review workflow. Idea is to ask the content author if the content is still relevant, if the content is not been modified or viewed for a given time period. User can get the modified date but was wondering if there is a way to find out if the content is been viewed. like is there is a SharePoint web service that gives this information.



Good day Mahendra,

I don't know of a web service that will allow you to see the views on pages.  Have you considered using the last modified date on page as a metric for your workflow.  This will however not help you with when last content was viewed but rather when last content was updated.
