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how can I get a list of all process exported to my K2 server.

I need to display the list of all process exported to the K2 server (even if no instance are started.

I also need all info about these process (number of instance, .....)

How could I get that from my hown app code (in VB or C#)

From a similar support ticket:
You can retrieve the list of proceses exported to the 2003 Server through the use of the 2003 Management Object (K2MNG).

You would be able to do a programmatic retrieval of all processes exported to a 2003 Server by using the K2Manager object and through its member methods (GetProcessFolders(), GetProcSets()).

There are sample code available in the help file that helps demonstrates the usage and intent of the methods available for the K2Manager object.

Please take note that you would require a user with 2003 Server Administration rights to be able to login to the server. Do refer to the K2Manager.Login() method in the help file for more information.

Please refer to the help file that is installed together with any installation for more information about K2MNG.

Together with this, you will also need to get some info from the K2Log database directly through SQL Queries - like the number of process instances.

