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I have a licence for k2 over internet, how are internet users recognised and dealt with in k2?

if i want to make an internet user has his own task list how to do that in k2?

 i will give a scenario:

Certain company has a customer who submits a request for some items; we want him to be able to trace his request. (is that doable).

what about if we have 1000 other customers how can we trace them

how about new customers with no record at all

i hope this is clear

You could try the K2SQL authentication provider which uses the SQLUM database to store user logins that are not in Active Directory.

However, you should note that the default workspace currently does not work with SQLUM users so you need to use custom forms and worklist which uses the K2 APIs to pass in the SQLUM credentials.

thanks a lot for your answer ; is there an example for that?

what about the task list ?


The only difference would be the connection string.  See this thread for samples.

Other than that the other calls are the same (which you can refer to in the Developer section in the product documentation).
