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How does K2 connect with SharePoint?


A couple of questions in regards to using K2 for Sharepoint and the application it uses:

How does (which language) K2 connect with SharePoint through these smartobjects? It this through Jsom querry? or something else?

Which (or are there) options are there to not use the K2 for SharePoint App, yet connect through another way, or different language?



In regards to the first question:

The SharePoint broker is written in C_ and in SP 2013/ SP Online a combination of CSOM and REST SharePoint APIs are used to communicate with SharePoint.

In regards to the second question:

You can create a service instance through the smart object tester using the sharepoint content broker to base it on the site itself. Another way is to run K2 for sharepoint in 2010 mode, this way you won't have to use the app

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