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I want to remove ideally, or at least deactivate a workflow I deployed a while ago but I can't get rid of it.  I deactivated it in site collection features.  I looked for it in the GAC - nothing there.  I deleted the workflow from the form library.  Yet, when I submit a form, a task still gets created.  Where is this comng from?  I thought I turned everything off - how can I completely remove a workflow?

 Also, in the Management console, I have a couple of old workflow attempts that still show up under Workflow serverProcesses.  I'd like to clean up some of these too but I can't see any reference to them anywhere else. 

Hi ScottBert,

Take a look at this post -- -- to disassociate a workflow from a library.

Also, to deactivate the workflow from the site, use the K2 Workflow Integration page in Site Settings -- http://<mossSiteName>/_layouts/K2ManageWorkflowFeatures.aspx



K2 ships with a couple of stored procedures that will allow you to remove all the references of a particular process.  Be aware that running either of these procedures wipes all of the information regarding the process or processes.  You must run the procedures in both the K2Server and the K2ServerLog DBs.  If you skip that step your workflows will be out of sync.  Look for wProcDelete ( parameter would be the full name "folderprocessname" and a wipeall procedure.

Just be carefull since it will remove all references and objects associated with the process(es).


A somewhat "ugly" workaround to disable a process:

Remove Process Start Rights in the Management Console.

If nobody has rights to start the process, it can't/won't kick off.
