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I'm creating a workflow that will assign a support issue to a specific technologist(s) based on a combination of field values such that:


Assigned To (people/group field type) in the first list will be equal to 'Responsible' (people/group field type) in the second list when 'Application' in the first list equals 'Application' in the second list AND when 'Category' in the first list equals 'Category' in the second list.


Regardless of using either the Update Item or Set Field Value action, settings appear to only provide for comparing one field for a specific value. I need to do so for two fields. Note the bottom portion of the screen capture which I mocked up from the Update Item configuration panel...



The only thing I can think to do is set up a calculated field in the second list which concatenates the Application and Category fields, then concatenating the same values in the first list and current item, storing them as a single workflow variable then performing the single field comparison provided for in the real configuration panel for either action. However, that seems a bit of a hack and inelegant. Is there a cleaner method?  I humbly apologize, but I am coming from the perspective of SharePoint Designer which does provide the ability to set a field value/update an item based on multiple field comparison tests using boolean operators ('and' and 'or')



why don't you do a Query List on the second list to retrieve the Responsible filtering by your two conditions and then update the current item with the result of the query list?



FYI, I always try to do my 'due diligence' and research these forums and online help. After about 30 mins. of doing so, I gave up and posted above. But, if you know of any existing documentation regarding this, please do point me in the right direction. Thanks.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into that possibility. I'm new to Nintex workflow, so this will be fun exploring how to utilize that action in this way. Thanks!

You could put those values in workflow variables then use the If action to compare.

Thanks Giacomo. While I would've preferred something more direct comparable to what I am accustomed to in SPD, this works as two steps:

  1. Query the remote list based on values of two fields in the current list item and assign the value to a workflow variable.
  2. Then, use that variable's value in an Update Field value action to get the needed values from the remote list applied to field in the current list item. It works!

Now, my next issue, which I will have to continue to research...the target field in the above issue is a people/group field allowing for multiple people. While the variable value expressed as a string does apply to the people/group field populated without issue, now, I want to use that field in the body of an email notification such as using 'display names; semicolon delimited' I can't get there yet and don't quite see how to 'instruct' that field to use display names in an email as opposed to the 'gibberish' of log-in IDs. Sigh. But, thanks again for above.
