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I have a form containing the preparers name.  The Print PDF function is appending a path to userdisp.aspx which nobody needs or wants to see.  It looks something like:

Smith, Jo (Departments/Engineering/SiteName/_layouts/15/userdisp.aspx?ID=123)

Anybody know how to disable or hide the unwanted information after the user's name?


Hi Simon,

when I use the PDF function it only shows the display name as link but no additional information. What control do you use to display the users name? Is it a regular people picker or some other control?


What version of forms do you use?

Kind regards


Hi Enrico

The field in question is a people field linked to a Person or Group column with the default settings.

I'm not sure what version of Forms we are running but it was purchased and installed in March this year.



Could you try the following just to make sure it's not caused by a custom setting in your form.

  1. create a test list
  2. create a people column
  3. create a standard Nintex form for your list and publish
  4. add an item to the list
  5. create PDF for the item created

Whats the output of your PDF? Is it displaying the same odd value as the one before?

I created a test list as you suggest.  Same result!  I also went into the form properties and removed all the CSS that I found in there.  Again same result. 

Very strange, never heard of such a behaviour.

Which Version of Nintex Forms do you have installed in your environment?

We are running Version

I suggest you perform an update.

Release notes of Forms have this included:

Fixed an issue where a Lookup control using Display Mode may display the incorrect value (00135504)

People Picker fields technically are a specific type of lookup so updating to the newest version might fix your error as well.

and I thought we had the latest - I will get it upgraded and report back on the outcome.  Many thanks, Simon.

Hi Enrico,

Even I have the same issue with people picker control and list lookup control values when using "Print to PDF". I am using Nintex Forms 2013 version. I have applied a rule against the control to disable it in display mode.


This is the same for all our forms and any help would be greatly appreciated.



Hello All


I had something similar with Print to PDF showing me the path of peopker picker control.

Found out my issue was not with Nintex but the use of bootstrap css on our site.


boostrap has styles:

@media print {
a href]:after {
content: " (" attr(href) ")";

So i changed this on Custom Css of form to be

@media print {
a href]:after {
content: none !important;

now no path shows while printing or Print to PDF


obviously my change would effect all a link but you can add it to another class if you want to remove it on some items only.


I hope if someone else has the same setup this might be useful option to review

Thanks, Jason
