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This may be a basic knowledge for most of you (probably all of you), but as being new to K2 with very little technical background, I am hoping to get some help from someone out there. 

I have this workflow that is integrated with InfoPath.  In this workflow, in the middle of the process, it needs to reverse back to the start and resubmit the form after modifying some input.

Here is the detail of the scenario:

This workflow is for an invoice approval process.  The originator selects 1-4 approvers.  Each approver puts their notes and approves, which will proceed to the next approver until all selected approvers complete their approval.  In this approval process, if one approver does not respond within 2 business days, we want to redirect the process to the originator for her/him to bypass that approver or replace that approver and resubmit without loosing the notes and approval history from the previous approvers.

Right now, the workflow is designed in a way that an email is sent to the originator indicating that s/he needs to contact the support to cancel or redirect the process to someone else.  Basically, it does not redirect to the originator and it does not allow anyone to re-submit.  If I look at the reminder, it has the option of redirecting or going to another activity, but not sure how that exactly works.   The developer who worked on this wasn't able to get this to work and is no longer w/ us to continue the work. 

 Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated. 

There is a GOTOActivity or GOTOEvent in the SDK you could use that to re-route the workflow back.    But I am not 100% sure what would happen to the other approvers.  I think your best bet in this case. would be to have an escalation fire, and move the workflow onto a special originator activity.  Thoughts?
