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I am trying to update my Nintex Form so it does not show a border around it. You will see in the screenshot attached that a border is put around the form when you publish it and view it in SharePoint.

When I look for the CSS that is controlling it, I find that .nf-filler-container is how the border is being displayed. I do not see that CSS class in the form settings or layout settings.

How do I remove the border around the form so it does not show up anymore?

Also, I am using Nintex Forms O365 and SharePoint Online. Thanks.

Hello Kris Fox‌ - 

Try adding the following to your CSS in the form:

     border: none;

You should see results like this:


Hope this helps!

I had a feeling that was going to be the answer. I was hoping I could adjust it within the Nintex UI.

I will just do this for now. Thanks.

Quick question - where in the form should I add the CSS? I actually tried to do it in Form Settings -> Appearance -> Form CSS Class, and in Layout Settings -> Appearance -> Layout CSS Class with no results.

Should I be adding this somewhere else?



I added this to the custom CSS section but it doesn't work, border still appears.  any ideas on why this would be the case?

This is an old post so I tested the code to make sure it is still relevant and for me it still works.
I just pasted the code at the start of all the default CSS.
Do you have other customisations that may be causing a conflict?
If you provide an export of your form I can test it to see if I get the same result as you.
