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Hello, I created a SmartObject based on a SharePoint list with a text field for the user's name. However, I'd like to change that field to be a user. I added a new 'Approval User' column of type people to my list, but it's not showing up in the Process wizard. How do I change an existing SmartObject?


This should be possible by updating the SMO. On the Site navigate to K2 Site Settings > K2 SmartObject Site Lists and Libraries. Ensure the List is checked and click create. This should refresh the SMO.



Nope, I've changed the list and the new column isn't available in K2 studio. I even tried clicking the Create button again, though that timed out.

Any more details on the Timeout Message? What version of K2 Blackpoint are you running? KB??

You can modify the timeout in a configuration file. Please see


Hi Vernon, the text from the timeout isn't very helpful

was aborted: The operation has timed out.


I'm running an evaluation copy of 4.5 (4.10060.1.0) with KB001350


Unfortunately, because I'm under evaluation I can't access that article. Would it be possible to copy the text, or give me access?


However, I think I've solved the issue. I was looking at the application logs and noticed the following when creating Smart Objects 'User SmartObject could not be created due to the following error: Server was unable to process request. ---> Failed to load user profile properties ---> No User Profile Application available to service the request. Contact your farm administrator.' I went into central admin an added the Blackpoint account to the user profile service and my next SmartObject creation worked without any warnings. 

For reference, I tried adding a plain text column to my list and that worked, I only got the warning when trying to add a User field.

I still get the occasional timeout, but I think that's the result of a poorly built VM running SharePoint, SQL server and Blackpoint under 4GB of RAM.

For reference, should I need to click the 'Create' button to include new columns in my smart objects? Or is it supposed to happen automatically?

Thanks for your help

No automatic update of SMO, you will have to click Create.

The timeout specified in the KB article is set in C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpointHost ServerBinSourceCode.SmartObjects.Runtime.config



    <add key="commandtimeout" value="30" />

The timeout is in Seconds and if I remember correctly it will only works from KB1230 and higher.

