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I'm creating a process programmatically (ProcessInstance processInstance = connection.CreateProcessInstance(ProcName)). I need to set the originator of the process to be a specific user (I have the user ID), rather than the executing user (which is a service account). How can I achieve this?


You will likely need to give this service account 'Impersonate' rights in K2 'Server Rights' and use connection impersonate to start the process instance:
*toward the bottom of this documentation


When calling Connection.ImpersonateUser(), the following error occurred:

Error Connecting to K2: Integrated=TrueIsPrimaryLogin=TrueAuthenticate=TrueEncryptedPassword=FalseCachePassword=TrueHost=K2Port=5252SecurityLabelName=K2
Error Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.User.LoadProperties()
at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.User.get_Name()
at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Connection.ImpersonateUser(String UserName)
at Something.SomethingElse.CreateK2Instance1(String CM)

Giving the Service Account running this application 'Impersonate' rights via iK2 Workspace > Management > Management Console > tServer:Port] > Workflow Server > Server Rights] resolved the issue.

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