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I'm trying to create a workflow where I can select all not completed tasks and send one e-mail per user.  The user would be specified in the "Assigned to" field of the task list.

Any ideas?

Hi Anu Singh ,

I hope this explanation gives you some idea:

1. You need to get the collection of users whom the tasks have been assigned.

  • Create Site workflows and Query the task list where status != Complete.
  • Get the AssignedTo values in a collection variable CollAssignedTo
  • Perform collection operation to remove the duplicates and store them in the same collection variable.

2. Get the corresponding tasks using Query action again.

  • Create For Each action, use the CollAssignedTo, save result in VarAssignedTo
  • Query Task list again, store the ID's in the collection variable - collTaskID.
  • Crate another For Each action, use collTaskID and store results in TaskID
  • Create variables for the TaskName, Due Date etc and Set variable with these values where ID = TaskID.
  • Build String action and format it like this:
    • {WorkflowVariable:EmailBody}{workflowvariable:varTaskName}{workflowvariable:varDueDate} - save this in workflow variable EmailBody, like appending the statements.
  • Out of this For Each loop and the previous one, send the email and reference EmailBody variable.


Looks and sounds confusing!! Hope you are able to simplify the same and create one. Share your results.

Kapil Joshi​ provided two great options. I use the first option a lot in this scenario

Thanks Kapil.  It worked. happy.png

Hi Kapil,

Is there any reason why the filter would not allow variable value?


The error I get is:


Any ideas?



in the Run Now, have you changed all the placeholders for variable or item properties with real values to test it?

During Run Now you don't have connection with an item and variables are not calculated so the placeholders cannot be automatically substituted

