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I have an Assign Flexi task configured. If a user clicks reject, I would like to send an email to the person who submitted the request. What is the best way to accomplish this task?

after flexi task action add run-if action to check if task outcome was REJECTED.

add send notification action into run-if action and configure your notification message.


I would just include a send email action on the Reject branch of the flexitask - assuming its a list workflow set the To field of the send email to the Initiator (person who starts the workflow) - as long as your workflow is set to run on item create, initiator will be the person who submits the form (unless you customize something else).  


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I've followed these instructions (added Email Notif after REJECT as well as a RunIf with a email notification)  NO notification is received (not in junk either). WF is set to run on Create. Please Advise







update to RunIf config - still NOT getting emails



