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Hello comunitty.


I need to know some way to work with git and work in parallel with my team. There's a way to merge workflows in a nice a simple way with git?


We need it for huge workflows to accelerate the production.


We're working in VS 2013 update 4 with .Net framework 4.5.


Thanks for the help.







I worked on a project where we used Git. I'll explain our process and I hope it helps.


We had our master branch  and each developer cloned the branch and worked of that. Developer makes his changes on his branch and then issue a push his changes to his branch then issue a pull request to the main branch.


Git handeled the process fine but there was almost never a scenario where more than one developer worked on the same workflow. 


One major down side for me is there is so many changes when you just open a workflow or build that Git does not always show the changes. I would immagine that merge conflicts will be a pain as you would need to know the structure behind the workflow pretty good to handel merge conflicts.


The best will be to do a test run and see what happens. 


Simple answer is Git will handel the changes and merging fine.


Hope this helps a little bit.
