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I have a list and I want to filter users that I can select with people field based on group that I wanted, Is it possible?


You can use javascript and should be find solution as below link:




Under Control Settings for your people picker, select the Advanced tab, there you  will see "SharePoint group" which allows  you to specify groups  to filter your selection.



Hi Frank

I want to filter people filter based on one my field, that solution was helpful but not in my project.

I want to manage users and find my users in some group simply, for assign task to my users base on there position I created 4 lists :

1- Manage Subsystems

2-Manage Groups

3-Mange Position

4- Manage Users

Manage Subsystems List have names of my Subsystems that is used in this portal, and In Manage groups I have the name of groups  that used in each subsystems and in Position list I have positions that is used in each groups of each subsystems.

Finally I created manage users list, in this list I have Lookup subsystem column, Lookup Groups, Lookup Position and one people field.

I want to find people in my task list based on each part of these lists for filtering and then I found people who filter it.
