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For example if the Daparture Date is Oct 11th and the Return Date is October 13th the repeating section would have 3 rows for each day away/returning.  I have a hidden calculated field that does this calculation but don't know how to use this 'Days' calulated field to set the number of rows to display.  I have attached the form.

repeating section's default/min/max rows are not configurable at runtime.

you would need javascript to pretend user clicks on 'add new row' button as many times as your calculated days difference.

you can see how it could be done eg on this link… 

BUT, if user changes dates and days difference lowers, you would likely need something similar to delete rows.

I affraid of this might get too complex...

I'd recommend little different approach.

instead of pre-creating rows within repating section, let the user add/delete/manage rows as needed.

to make sure he/she creates as many rows as calculated days difference, setup a validation rule that prevents to submit form if the two differs.

something very similar I've depicted on following link, just there it was for formatting rules. 
