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Is there any way to check if a user (the originator in my case) is a member of a Role? Ideally, I'd like to do this from Studio, without having to use the API.



You can check if user is a member of a k2 role by executing the Get Role Users of the UMUser smartobject. If you want to do it within a k2 process, then use inline function (Text- contains).

Can you point me to instructions on how to call this method? I haven't used SmartObjects too heavily yet.

Smartobject service tester is described at _

Once you opened the smartobject service tester, expand smartobject explorer > all smartobjects > right-click on UMUsers. Then select the method to execute (Role to users), type in the input (role name) and click on execute.


I am not able to find the Role to user SO method in he UMUsers SO.
Could you please let me know where I can find this method, I have checked this method is not listed in the UMUser SO.

Hi arunkaul and pwnewhook,


The method is called Get Role Users in the UMUser smo.  You may exexute this from the smartobject service tester. 17039iBE676389247334F7.png
