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Hi All

I  make a form in Nintex Form and set the radio field.

I want to arragne show/hide control when the user clicks a specific value in radio options.

Please let me know how can I check the field value.

Field name:hogehoge

Field type:radio

Options: value1, value2

Not worked: If(hogehoge=="value2",1,0)

I see the sample on Youtube that uses 'Yes/No' field. I confirmed the 'Yes/No' field works fine, however my form field radio.



Add a formatting rule on the form and apply it to the control you want to hide:

In your case, if you want to hide a control when "value2" is selected, enter the rule as:


Just ensure that you have the "Hide" option checked in the rule.



Hi Mark san

thank you for your reply. I tried it following your suggestion, but it does not work.

rule condition is below:

'Japanese Field Name' == 'Japanese Value'

I tried internalName and DisplayName for 'Japanese Field Name', both of them were failed to work.

Our Nintex Forms runs on SharePoint 2013 on premise using Japanese.

Do you have any suggesion?


Hi Mark san

I tried it again, and it worked. I re-set condition field and it shows double underline in rule pane.

Many thanks for your help.

Excellent - glad I could help!
