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How can an admin user of a process open/view the worklist item of all other users and do redirect or delegate ? it can done on

K2 workspace or we have to write code for it 

What is the major difference between delegate and redirect?

How can an admin user of a process open/view the worklist item of all other users and do redirect or delegate ? it can done on

K2 workspace or we have to write code for it 

Ans:Please refer to


Delegate: Both the originator and the delegated user will have same actioning rights

Redirect: Originator will lose the actioning rights to redirected user


An admin user can do this with the workspace on the "Management Console Tab", under your server node, then "workflow Server"... you will find a Worklist menu. Here you will find all the worklistitems currently open and available on your K2 Server. In the K2 documentation, follow this path: K2 developper Refrence > K2 Workspace > K2 Management Console > Workflow Server > Workflow Service Management - Worklist

You can create your own UI doing the same using the SourceCode.Workflow.Management assembly.

For the global Worklist, you have a cool stuff into the K2 blackpearl documentation: K2 developper Refrence > Processes > Accessing > How to access and return information from the Global Worklist. Then on a "WorkflowManagementServer" object you will find methods to redirect or delegate.

You will find interesting thread on delegation/redirection here:

