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At least two users have reported that after Search, clicking on history link (to drill down the activities steps) is very slow (minutes), but when it only takes 4 seconds when I tried it.    I am in the Workflow Admin group but they are also in an AD group that has View/Participate rights.    I don't think the drill down itself cares what access is used, but am puzzled why there is a such difference in performance.

I am not sure if this has anything to do with it or not but I remember hearing that there was a bit of a performance hit if you checked both View and View Participate in the process rights.  Since View rights encompass View Participate rights you only need one or the other and not both.  Checking both requires additional processing on the server side and can slow down reporting responses. 


Thanks for that hint.  The user says search itself is faster now, but drill down (to see list of activities/approvers) from Search still takes a long time.

Hmmm...not sure what could be causing that...You might want to open a support ticket and do some network traces with them to see where it is hanging up.


Support told me to use the archive utililty.  :)
