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On the Reports tab within the workspace we need to limit user access to certain of the default reports. I do not see a anything that discusses the appropriate way to accomplish this action.

In K2 service manager you can specify per process reporting permissions for users and groups. This way instead of controlling which reports a person can use you control what data is allowed to be returned by that report. For example if I don't have any view permissons on the expense claim process and I go to the Process Overview report I will not see the expense claim report listed there.

Does that make sense?

Thanks Eric.

It makes complete sense and sounds like it is exactly what I want to do. My problem may be one of setup because in the K2 Service Manager I do not have a way to set reporting permissions. If I look at the users and groups for a process there is no reporting column and there is no mention of reports under the security section. I really appreciate your help.

The functionality Eric mention does reside within Service Manager. Specifically, the View and/or the View Partcipate roles.

As per the 2003 Help:

User Permissions on a Process used to indicate which Users or Groups within the organization can administer, start, view or complete a Server Event wizard within a Process.

1. Expand the 2003 Service Manager down to Process level, and select the Process you want set the User Permissions for.

2. Double-click on the Users or Groups icon in the right-hand pane, and click the Add Users button to add new users or groups to that are listed as Destination Users in the Process.

3. Click the Find Now button to return all the users on the Active Directory list or specify User Search criteria based on the user's name, description, e-mail address.

4. Once the Find User Query results are returned, select the User or Groups you would like to set permission rights for and click OK.

5. Click the Admin, Start or View Participation, and Server Event column for each User or Group to set their Permissions and click OK.
(see below for description of roles)
Note: Only rights specific to the selected Process can be set at this point.

6. Click the Find Now button to return all the users on the Active Directory list or specify User Search criteria based on the user's name, description, e-mail address.

7. Once the Find User Query results are returned, select the User or Groups you would like to set permission rights for and click OK.

8. Click the Admin, Start or View Participation, and Server Event column for each User or Group to set their Permissions and click OK.

Note: Set rights for multiple user in one step by rights clicking on the appropriate rights column.

List of User Permission options:

This function will allows a user to start and view a Process Instance. However, this does not automatically give the user rights to manage the Process with the 2003 Service Manager.

Note: To be a 2003 Administration a user must first be added as an user under the Security node. For more details on setting user administrator right, see Managing Security

This function allows the User to start a new Process Instance of a Process.

Note: If you have not set the rights for a User to start the process, and the User attempts to open a Web form that starts a Process, the user will receive a "User does not have permission to start the process." error message.

This function allows the User to View all Process instances of a Process related information in 2003 Workspace.

View Participant
This function allows the User to View all Process Instances where he/she participates in either being the Originator or a Destination User at some point in the Process Instance.

Note: The User will only be able to view the Process Instance once the process has reach the Activity where the user is defined as the Destination User.

Server Event
This function enables you to control which user has rights to finish a Server Event. This is generally used when you create a synchronous Server Event that needs to be completed by a specific user. For more information about Server Events, see Configuring a default Server Event.
Thank you.

That helped. We did not realize that the selected role impacted the workspace reports.

