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Hide Repeating Section Rows based on Dropdown Value in Repeating Section


I'm wondering if this is even possible.  I built a form for customers to request work for their projects. My plan is for each project to have it's own form.  If a customer comes back for more work down the line, they just need to input a new request, not all the specific data related to their project.  The request section of the form is a repeating section.  This will allow us to track all the requests a specific project team has input over time. 

The repeating section collects some data which includes a "Status" dropdown field that has values of Submitted, Development, Testing, Complete. 

What I would like to know is if the repeating section row has a value of "Complete" for the Status field, can I hide those rows so that only ones that are active are showing?



3 replies

Badge +17

@hawkeye357 great question. I was slightly thrown off when you stated you wanted each project to have its own form and then you mentioned repeating sections.


You can set up rules that when a certain status is equal to "completed" to hide that particular panel; however, you cannot split out data from a repeating section. Either the entire section will be shown or hidden. Within the repeating sections you can show/hide fields, but this gets tricky and may overcomplicate your form unnecessarily. 


Let me know if that helps or if you can provide more details. 



Badge +1
"you cannot split out data from a repeating section"

Thanks @eharris04. I'll have to look for a new solution for what I want to do.
Userlevel 3
Badge +9

I know this is old but just in case anyone else has this question...

On each field that you want to hide when status is set to complete in that row, you can wright one rule with the formula: equals(Status,"Complete") For the “Then” field select “Hide”. After that, select all the controls you would like to hide in complete and on the ellipsis (…) next to the rule select “add to selected controls”. This is similar to a rule I have in one of my repeating sections:

