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Only one recipient of an E-mail is showing up in mail clients.



When using the default E-mail event and configuring it to use destinations as recipients, not all recipients are showing up in mails. On the other hand when using the "To" field from the E-mail event the recipients show up in a list as expected.


Is this intended behaviour? Is there any workaround? We need to use destinations because the recipients accountnames are stored in a sql table.

This would be because how Task notifications are sent. Each one is sent for the destination user where as the SMTP Email event is handled completely different. I don't think there is going to be a good workaround for this. If you think about it, task notifcations are intended for a destiantion user so it would make sense that they would be addressed to the intended party alone.


If you can be more clear on what the requirement is that you are trying to accomplish, the community might beable to provide an alternative.



But what if the intended party is a group of people? Shouldn't they know that the task has also be assigned to others?


I'm not quite sure if there is an alternative because we build roles for our workflow tasks based on sql, because we offer our business (process owner) the opportunity to manage permissions/roles on their own.


My requirement is basically to assign a task to a group of users (using the accountname) and they should be able to see who else got this task.

Also this should be possible for e-mails (without a task just as information) sent to user by the workflow.


Any ideas or further information needed?
