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Hello guys

I am on the edge driving myself insane.
I created a workflow a few weeks back which worked fine and now after I re-activated it, it does not update a field!!

The custom list consists of :


Right, the idea behind is - the workflow acts only when selecting the recipient: CC Manager or Exec Manager
whereby Nobody does not do anything - wf stop.

Also, I said by default every file which is uploaded will be set to "NO" for the SendNotification field.

What is the aim of the workflow?!

If Recipient: CC Manager OR Exec Manager AND SendtNotification: NO
{ it will send out an email to the users saying "a new file has been uploaded" }

THEN UpdateField > SendNotification: YES  << this is important bit

If Recipient: CC Manager OR Exec Manager AND SendtNotification: YES
{ it will send out an email to the users saying "the following file has been updated" }

The left parallel action should run when the sendNotification is YES
The right parallel action should run when the sendNotification is NO

Below is the configuration of the Update Item action:

I also tried Where > Recipient: CC Manager but that does not make a difference either!

I am sure it did work before sad.png and not sure what am I missing or what I am doing wrong.
I thought using Multiple Update Filed but that is not the case because it is updated based on a single update.

Please help

I guess the issue is due to the parallel actions. Your workflow might have worked because all the conditions were satisfied .Check this link where I mentioned the issue. Instead of parallel actions and condition"Validate Recipient and SendNotification"  use the switch case you workflow will work.

Hello aditya gandhe

I tried using the switch action as seen below:

Currently the WF is set to: Start when items are created > YES
I will set it to NO as this will avoid running the WF even when Recipient is Nobody.

Below you see the result when running the WF:

The 3 files above, were uploaded yesterday!
The 2 files (test1 and test2) were uploaded this morning and for strange reasons:

- it changed from NO to YES for the 3 old files :/

- it did not update the SendNotification for neither: CC Managers nor Exec Managers

It should only update the field for that specific file being updated and not affecting any other files.

This is veryyyyyy weird.

Workflow is working right but it updated other files as well?

No , is not working as supposed to!
Same behaviour was even with my previous WF.

If you look at the image attached above, you notice where Nobody has been updated to YES (thought it was NO) and the modified dates are there. Meaning whenever I uploaded a new file it had updated the wrong the sendNotficiation filed of a different file.

If you get me sad.png

in principle:

- all new uploaded files will be set NO by default whereas Nobody will not send out any emails
unless you update / select CC Managers or Exec Managers and the WF sends out an email and needs to update the SendNotification field from NO to YES

which is not doing it at minute.

At a glance I would check the "Update Item" action. Why are you not updating the current item directly? Don't know if your filters are really targeting the right item.

Philipp Lucas

do you mean "why I don't update that field manually" ??
Well, I thought the WF would do it for me...

I am 99% that it worked before and not sure what has changed that is not working any longer.
If you could elaborate on your suggestion, would appreciate.

Not sure how else I am supposed to filter the Update Item.
I know there is Update Item and Multiple update action but I want the field to be updated for that particular file only.

If Recipient: CC Manager OR Exec Manager AND SendtNotification: NO
{ it will send out an email to the users saying "a new file has been uploaded" }

THEN UpdateField > SendNotification: YES  << this is important bit


If Recipient: CC Manager OR Exec Manager AND SendtNotification: YES
{ it will send out an email to the users saying "the following file has been updated" }

and the red part is where it is failing!
I added the WAIT UNTIL > sendtNotification is YES action and the WF got stuck there, (in progress) .
Strangely, although the WF was in process and stuck at WAIT UNTIL action, for some reason it run another process in background and send an email out saying that the a file (that had been uploaded yesterday) has been updated!

I am just ... out of ideas.

No i don't mean you should update the item manually. ButI wonder why you are not configuring your "Update Item" action to update the "Current Item" like this:

By chosing "Current Item" you do not have to worry about updating the correct item, you will update the item you workflow is running on and if I understood your requirement, this is what you want to do. Or did I misunderstand you?

Philipp Lucas

I am soooooooo stupid.

Indeed, Update > Current Item, was the key to why it was not working.
Makes me think to why it does not work if it is like this ???


what is wrong about this then? I don't understand.

To be honest I'm not 100% sure either. The action is made for updating only one item so I think it checks your condition and updates the first item it finds that meets the requirements.

However, most important thing is that your workflow is working as intended again. Don't expect too much progress in one single day wink.png


