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Hi All


Could anyone help me?

I would like to take the value from 'Activity Destination Instance - User' and transform it using an inline function

Basically I want to strip out the Label, domain name, period and convert the remaining name to Title case

For example
transform K2:DOMAINpaul.sturmey

into Paul Sturmey

I sure it's possible using all the functions but cant get it to work

Any help much appreciated


Dear ,


From what i know , the "" cant be used inside the username/display name .

so u could use this as a seperator for ur functions .

u could use a mixture of "MID" and "FIND" functions .

MID (FIND ("") + 1)


for ur example its like :

MID will return the subset of characters starting from an index to the end of the string .

FIND will return the index for the specificied characters .



Finding the "" will return the index of 10

MID (10 + 1) will return the string starting from "p" to the end . which could provide u with what u need .

adding +1 is only so u dont include the "" itself.



Edited : srry i didnt notice the full transformation .

what u also need to do after that is using REPLACE function to remove the "." dot with an empty string.

which is REPLACE("." , emptystring)


after that u need to use PROPER function to get it capitalized 


PROPER ( REPLACE (MID ( Yourstring , FIND ("")) ,  "." , EmptyString ) )


Hope it helps! sorry couldnt present it through k2 studio , but hope it still helps!



Thanks Ahmad


this worked perfectly and I'm able to get desired result


