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I am a bit confused about this events. How are they fired. Let's say i have an activity and i have placed a Default Client event onto it. Now when i call this activity at that will on the call of the activity will this event fire automatically or do i need to call it explicitly.


Processes are defined containing Lines, Activities and Events.  This definition will map the required logical flows of the Business Process by evaluating Rules and conditions present in each Line, Activity and Event.  Depending on where in the process you are, the appropriate Rules will be evaluated in order to continue and ultimately complete the process instance.

Any user (with Start Rights) can start a new instance of this process definition i.e. Planning the Process.  From this point onwards, everything will be handled by the K2Server and everything will occur automatically - you do not need to 'fire' anything separately.

In your example...

  • The 'Start' activity is instantiated when the process is started/planned by a user.
  • The first line rule (if present) is evaluated and completed.
  • The next Activity is instantiated and a copy of all events contained within the activity is made for each Destination User (let's say you've got 2 Destination Users).
  • The Client Event is instantiated for DestUser1 and (if configured correctly) a worklist item is created for this user.
  • The Client Event is instantiated for DestUser2 and (if configured correctly) a worklist item is created for this user.

Everything up to this point occurs automatically and the system waits for either DestUser to complete his/her worklist item.


