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I am trying to figure out how K2 implements a group task concept. This is where many users in a group will see the new activity in their task list , the first user to open the task and render it work-in-progress will become the sole owner of the task.

Any direction would be appreciated.


This is where Activity Slots come into play. If an Activity has say 5 Destination users with a default client event, a worklist item will be created for each of the 5 users. ALL worklist item status' will be Available which means that any one of the 5 users can still take ownership of the item.

With one slot defined on Activity level, the first user to open the item will change the status of his/her worklist item to Open and the other 4 items' status will change to Allocated which means the other 4 users will not be able to work on this i.e. Open, Allocated, Allocated, Allocated, Allocated.

With two slots defined, the statuses will be as follows: Open, Available, Available, Available, Available. When the second user opens his/her item, the statuses will change to: Open, Open, Allocated, Allocated, Allocated.

The above will apply for normal aspx and Smartform client UIs but InfoPath works a little bit different in that the status of the item is only changed ONCE the user submits the request and NOT on opening the item.

Hope this helps (and makes some sense),
All makes sense , thanks for your time.

