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I've followed Gert's instructions ( and I've added another domain to the default security label (K2). Yet, when I give Management permissions to a user in this domain, they still don't have the "Management Console" tab when they open the workspace.

Moreover, if I simply give "Start process" right to a user in this additional domain, it doesn't work, no process instance is created (I don't have any error as this is a process that should start on Sharepoint DocLib item upload).

What the definitive procedure to work with users in different domains?

Hi Nicolas,

When you refresh your worklist through workspace with the user from the other the correct user being authenticated in the server console? It possibly going through as ANON.


Hi Gert,

Yes, this is the correct user name (both in Worklist and in the workspace header where it says "logged in as ... ").

I'm asking this because the label that is shown at the top of the browser is not always correct and will almost never show you if the call is going through as anon. Would it be possible for you to mail me your k2server log? Note that you should have the logging level set to 'All'.


What do you want me to do before sending the log, in order to "fill" it? Because, there is nothing for today, even with logging level set to "All" in the config file. I suppose giving permissions is not logged, is it?

Could you log into workspace and also try to deploy a process from studio from the other domain. Please for now keep the process basic with no sharepoint/IP integration. That should give a pretty detailed log.

Please ensure that you enable FileExtension logging in HostServerLogging.config and setting the level to All.


Ok, FileExtension logging was disabled... Now I have a real log file.

I logged into the workspace with my original domain account, then with my second domain account, and I have finally deployed a basic process with this second domain account.

Edit: log sent. Thank you very much Gert.

Could you please attach the log file to the thread or mail it to me at



(Yes, it's deploying now, with a basic process. As stated in the other thread dedicated to this particular issue sorry for mixing problems], I suppose it has something to do with Sharepoint Integration. Nevertheless, I still cannot accede the workspace with full permissions)

Oh, I forgot to say this, but for a user which is in the "primary"/original domain, I get the "Management" tab in the workspace as soon as I give them the corresponding right. The problem occurs only for users in the domains I manually added to the K2 security label.


Here’s what you need to do :

·         Open your WorkSpace’s web.config file. Default location is “blackpearl installation dirworkspacesite

·         Add a new AD Connection String in the connection strings section. E.g.    <add name="ADConnectionString2" connectionString="LDAP://" />

·         In the Membership/Providers section add a new provider pointing to the newly added connection string. Note that the name should be different from the existing one.

E.g.        <add connectionStringName="ADConnectionString2" connectionProtection="Secure" enablePasswordReset="false" enableSearchMethods="true" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false" applicationName="/" description="Default AD connection" requiresUniqueEmail="false" clientSearchTimeout="30" serverSearchTimeout="30" attributeMapUsername="sAMAccountName" name="AspNetActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider_Domain2" type="System.Web.Security.ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider,System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />

·         Now save -> close and open up workspace.




I confirm it works. Thanx!

Now, one last problem : I can't deploy a "Sharepoint Events Process" workflow with a user from the added domains, nor start such a process (when it has been deployed with the K2 admin account). New thread!
