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I have a list in SharePoint to which a K2 workflow is attached. The list has a "Approvers" field which is of type user/group. When a new item is added to the SharePoint list , the approval workflow should kick off by setting the approvers to the values in the "Approvers" field. Here is the issue -  When an approver is set to say "John Huff",  SharePoint saves the name as "domainJohn Huff", but K2 expects username which is "domainjhuff". How can I get the username from the SharePoint approver field?

Hello VJ,


You can create a SmartObject from the Active Directory Service, and then use the GetUserDetails method to obtain the the DisplayName. Please let me know if this helps!





Are you using SharePoint Workflow Integration in SharePoint 2010 Process Wizard?  If so, you can save the list item meta data into a Process Xml field.  Then reference this xml field (User Column) in the destination rule of your Client event.  Please see attached ProcessXml.png and DestRule.png.

