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Using People function, i have created a form to get the name of the person from Active Directory,  based on the name the person's title is to be captured along with email address and work phone number in separate fields.

Thought of using Repeating Section, however it was not the appropriate option.

Need assistance in this.

I am a Newbie when it comes to Nintex and SharePoint 

Hi @venkatch,

To get the person's information you can use the function userProfileLookup() as shown below :




I used calculated field with the following formula for Email as an example :



Keep in mind that the information come from User profiles (that means that it should be synchronized properly with the Active Directory).

You can add some rules to make the  information visible once the person is filled.


Hope that helps,


HI Cecilia,


Thank you very much, the solution worked.

It has really helped me in getting my query resolved.


Thanks once again.

