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Hi all,

I assume I'm missing something really obvious here, but I have an IPC event spawning multiple IPCs and I want to keep track of the child process instance IDs. I thought it would be simple to do this with data field mapping but I don't see an option to do this.

What am I missing?



Apart from passing in the parent process instance ID to the child process you cannot immediately get the child process instance IDs from the parent.

However all hope is not lost. I've used a SmartObject to assist with this. I created a simple SmartBox SmartObject with fields ID, ParentProcessID and ChildProcessID.

I send in the Parent Process Instance ID to the child process (saving it in a process data field in the IPC wizard) and then in the first activity on the child process I call the Create method on my SmartObject passing in the parent's process instance ID and the current (child) process instance ID.

Since it is a SmartObject you can call the GetList method from the parent filtering it on the parent's process instance ID to get the associated child processes. To cleanup the record you can also delete the linking at the end of the child process which ensures your SmartObject.GetList will only return active child processes.

I hope this helped!

Thanks Johan, seems like a good workaround. The way I'm getting around it is by putting the parent process ID in the child process folio then when I need to get all the child processes I get the worklist and filter by folio.

Still - I thought it would be simple to get the child process instance ID... the ID is assigned when the process instance is created, not when it's started.

Anyway, thanks for the help.
